Level Up Your At-Home Yoga Practice With These Helpful Tips

August 13, 2021 | BodyMindLife Online

Because an at-home flow can be just as transformative as an in-studio class. – by Janet Yockers

There is nothing quite like an at-home yoga practice. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have served as a reminder that the life-long practice of yoga doesn’t really require the slickest mat, the perfect studio aesthetic and the most serene playlist. The magic of yoga really does come from within. 

Over the past 18 months, I have fallen in love with teaching yoga from home and creating my own content from my living room. It’s not fancy and it’s a good reminder that our practice doesn’t need to be either. I hear from my students all the time that an at-home flow can be just as transformative as an in-studio class. 

Just like a studio practice, a self-led class comes with its own challenges. As you hit the mat for World Yoga Day today, I encourage you to level up their at-home practice with my keys to success.

1. Create a sacred/welcoming space that feels inviting to practice in. Fill your space with things that uplift you such as photos, candles, a good quality mat. This will make your practice feel more like a ritual. 

2. Prop yourself up. Make sure you invest in yoga blocks and a strap. Many teachers use props in their online classes as a way to make the class more accessible or to create challenges. There are so many fun things you can do with props that keep you interested/engaged as a student and can make the practice fun! It will feel like you are practicing at an actual studio. The wall is prop as well, so make sure your mat is near a wall so you can play with inversions and going upside down. 

3. Be consistent. It can be hard to build a home practice. One idea is to find a 10 day challenge where you create a routine and build consistency. Daily practice is necessary in order to grow. Start small with short practices to build your attention span and add a little bit each week. 

4. Find an experienced teacher. It’s nice to practice with the same teacher so you can get to know their style, drop more quickly into the flow, and progress with their curriculum. BodyMindLife Online has some of the best teachers in the world and caters to students who want to grow their practice. 

5. Pay attention. It’s easy to get distracted during an at-home practice. Pets, partners, phones, the list goes on! Put your practice in your calendar so you have the time set aside and put your phone in another room.

Janet Yockers is yoga teacher from Sydney and is part of the new education platform BodyMindLife Online.